Megan Dilitto
Lead Teacher

In which class do you teach or assist?
I teach the tots class!
When did you start working at Messiah Preschool?
I started working at Messiah in the nursery in 2010 and started working at the preschool in 2011.
Tell us a little about your family.
My family is made up of my husband, Alex, and my son, Adrian, who is six, and my daughter, Aria, who is four.
Do you have any pets?
We have a lot of pets! We have our German Shepherd Dog, Dee, our rabbit, Toast, our snake, Orion (but we call him Noodle), and turkeys, ducks, and chickens. Our favorite birds are Lobelia Sackville-Baggins the chicken, and Bowser the duck.
Favorite children’s book:
My favorite kids’ book is Go Dog. Go! By P.D. Eastman. My dad would read it to me before bed and get me all riled up, making silly voices. This vexed my poor mom.
Favorite children’s song:
My favorite kids’ song is anything off of Raffi’s Singable Songs for the Very Young album. I’m sorry I’m cheating, but if you listen, you won’t blame me. There is no choosing a favorite.
Favorite color:
My favorite color is indigo
Favorite animal:
My favorite animal is a cheetah
Tell us something else about yourself (hobbies, passions, fun facts about you).
When I’m not in class, I can be found creating stained glass pieces, playing Shadowlands with my kiddos (Bluey, anyone?) and seeing how many books I can order off of before my husband notices. When I can’t be found, I’m probably in the vegetable garden or talking to the chickens.
Favorite thing about teaching preschool:
My favorite thing about teaching preschool is that I get to use my imagination every day! Being a grown up isn’t always as cool as I thought it would be when I was little, and it’s a lot more expensive. I love that playing dress-up and getting up to my wrists in paint is part of my job description.
What is something you have learned about yourself or your faith from your students?
Working with my friends at school has taught me to let go of needing to control everything, if I want to be happy. Surprises happen. Sometimes they’re fun surprises, sometimes they’re kinda hard. The fun surprises are worth getting dirty or looking silly, and the hard surprises teach me how to help someone else when they’re having a rough time. Everything God has to teach me, he taught me at preschool.