Laura Albright

Assistant Teacher

In which class do you teach or assist?

I assist in the 3-day PreK Class

When did you start working at Messiah Preschool?


Tell us a little about your family.

My family consists of my husband James, my son Zachary and myself.

Do you have any pets?

I have a toy poodle named Lucy and a cat named Miss Kitty.

Favorite children’s book:

Bear Feels Sick by Karma Wilson and Love You Forever by Robert Munsch

Favorite children’s song:

Let’s Go Swimming

Favorite color:


Favorite animal:


Tell us something else about yourself (hobbies, passions, fun facts about you).

I like to read, watch movies, go to plays, do crafts and hangout with friends.

Favorite thing about teaching preschool:

Watching the children as they discover and learn new things. Knowing that we are giving them a great start to being responsible caring people and life-long learners.

What is something you have learned about yourself or your faith from your students?

Working with the children in the classroom has taught me to stop and thank God for even the things that seem small and trivial. The big stuff is easy to remember to give thanks for, but the small stuff is important too.